Meet Chef Dave

Chef Dave

If you’re looking at this page, you’re probably wondering who this Chef Dave guy is.  Well, here I am in all my not-so-splendor, a total blue jeans and beer kind of guy.  As mentioned in my very first post, I am NOT a real chef, at least not beyond the confines of my own kitchen.  The Chef Dave moniker is just what my wife and friends started calling me many years ago whenever I happen to pull off a good dish.

In reality I’m a Cincinnati civil practice attorney by day and an avid home cook and baker of bread whenever I can find the time.  My beautiful bride of 30 years is Laura, and we have two adult children who tell me they miss Dad’s cooking when they’re away from home.  Here is a picture of my Lolly, who is my biggest cheerleader and helps fuel my passion for the kitchen and for life in general.  She is my unfailing source of optimism for what is possible if you make up your mind to go after it.  Not only does Lolly seem to enjoy my cooking, she even lets me clean up after myself.  How awesome is that?


I began to discover my love of cooking in the late 80s and it has grown over the years into a compulsion that reached critical mass a few years ago and prompted me to go to culinary school — I started part-timing my way through the Midwest Culinary Institute in the fall of 2014 and finished their culinary arts certificate program.  Even with some formal training, I will be the first to admit I’m a rank amateur in the kitchen, but I like to think I’m improving over time, constantly continuing my culinary learning process, and most importantly I LOVE it, which is what really matters.  It is essential to figure out your true passion in life and then go pursue it.


This blog exists to help me share my journey into the seemingly endless world of culinary exploration.  For now, as a relative neophyte, I am mostly going where others have gone before and learning what they have to teach, but I plan to tread some new unbeaten paths of my own along the way.  To quote the great Julia Child:  “The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”  And believe me, I do.  I look forward to sharing my experiences and discoveries with you.

You can find me here on Facebook:

18 thoughts on “Meet Chef Dave

    1. Hello Dave this is Pam from Williams Sonoma. I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday and I love your blog. I am going to try the steak this weekend on my husband. I would love to have you teach me the bread recipe and was wondering if you could convert that to cups etc so it would be easier to make. I wanted to let you know I work tonight, Saturday evening, Monday evening, Thursday evening and Saturday evening. I look forward to more conversations and serving you at Williams Sonoma.

      Next time I see you I want to know where you are working as a chef. Remember life is short and live it strong and like there is no tomorrow.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Well tonight I fixed the steak recipe and this had to be the best steak I have ever tasted. I made fingerling potatoes with the steak and baked in the oven for 45 minutes after coating with olive oil and Williams Sonoma French fries seasoning. Thank you for sharing your blog with me and coming to visit me at the store. I hope you love your cookware and can’t wait to read more of your blog. I am going to try the pasta recipe next. I got on-line to check out the pastry classes at Midwest culinary school. Thank you for sharing your passion and inspiring others around you. I am definitely inspired.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad the steaks were a success for you. I absolutely love the simple elegance of oven-roasted fingerlings — one of my favorite potato choices. By the way, I got to break in some of the new All-Clad this weekend and was very pleased.


    2. I have been on several vacations since my last look at your blog. You have been cooking up a storm and can’t wait to try out the new recipes on my husband and family. Have you given any thought to working part time at Williams Sonoma teaching others your gift.


  2. I am glad you like the pans. I got the ingredients to make the bread and pasta tomorrow. I shared the steak recipe with my 12 year old grandson who loves to cook and he loved the steak. He likes to use rubs on his meat could you suggest any for him to use during his cooking. I am currently trying to look into the culinary school for baking. You have inspired me to grow my passion. Please continue to share your love for cooking. I am sharing your blog with associates and friends. Happy cooking😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much for the kind comments, Pam. If your grandson likes to use rubs on his steaks, I can think of no better place to find some great choices for him than at Findlay Market. There’s a shop called Colonel De’s just inside the main entrance on the left. They have a huge selection with all sorts of flavor combinations. Not exactly a kid in a candy store, but same general idea.


  4. Have you ever thought about making a Youtube channel? You have loads of things here I am sure people would love to see prepared, you know, for the visual learners. Just food for thought. 🙂


    1. I agree Dave has great recipes and after taking to him I think he would be great as a teacher sharing his culinary experience to help other cooks learn the ins and outs of cooking.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. The bread was FANTASTIC. I was so touched by your kindness. Thank you so much for coming into the store and sharing your passion. I am looking forward to watching you share your love for cooking with the customers at the store. Please let me know if you are planning on coming in Sunday to observe the technique class at 11:00.


  6. Hi DJ,
    I really enjoy your posts and also love to bake. Thanks for this blog and am glad to see another Class of 1985er doing well. Take care and keep posting!
    Gary H.


  7. Hey big brother, tell Laura that I will gladly eat any pie she can’t finish. And it would keep you skinny. It’s a win-win!


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